About us 

Brand Marketing on targeted domestic & foreign demographic markets 

Crownwood, SRO is an independently owned company registered in the Czech Republic by  RPConnect Corporation, a company founded in the United States on September 6, 1994.


Crownwood is a collection of investment-grade Brands being promoted and marketed through business-to-business integration with the RPConnect network for active sustainable growth.

Founded which ventures into multi-investment business integration in and outside the United States, the Czech Republic, and the Philippines.

Today, Crownwood and RPConnect is a powerhouse that maintains a business-to-business marketing promotion through its News and Media Publications, The Associated News Agency, and DataAnalytyx  to make its biggest strength in both the International and marketing campaign. 

Crownwood, SRO alongside its group of subsidiaries and partners continues to march forward waging the torch of leadership in captivating its targeted domestic and foreign demographic markets.

Corporate-owned in the Czech Republic by RPConnect Corporation under Noubikko




To continue towards greater heights of global excellence utilizing corporate bilateral agreements as commerce spectrum.

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Benedictine Celestine